Samson A. Nagamani

List of German Grammatical Moods

Indicative (Indikativ)

The “default” mood. Used to state facts or ask questions.

e.g. Ich gehe ins Kino. (I am going to the cinema.)

Imperative (Imperativ)

Used to give commands, requests or instructions. Essential for telling someone to do something.


  1. Geh weg! (Go away! - informal singular)
  2. Gehen Sie weg! (Go away! - formal singular)
  3. Geht weg! (Go away! - informal plural)

Subjunctive (Konjunktiv)

Split into Konjunktiv I and Konjunktiv II. Konjunktiv I is used for indirect speech, Konjunktiv II is used for hypothetical situations, wishes, or politeness.

Konjunktiv I example: Er sagt, er sei krank. (He said he is sick)
Konjunktiv II example: Wenn ich reich wäre, würde ich eine Weltreise machen. (If I were rich, I would travel the world.)
