Samson A. Nagamani


My name is Samson, and this is my personal website. While it is not exclusively focused on software engineering, you’ll find coding-related content on the code page —most likely. Additionally, I maintain a notes page , which serves as a repository for the notes I find useful. This section includes insights on computer science and programming concepts, as well as notes from my journey learning the German language when I have time to. For my contact information, including LinkedIn, please visit the contact page .

About Me

Studying at Computing & IT (Software) at The Open University. My days are spent coding endlessly… Mainly software and tooling for managing mailbox rentals. Its fairly interesting, there’s a lot of logic to get my head around. I’m quite adept in using JavaScript and its corresponding tech stacks but the inflow of new frameworks and libraries tire me. Currently my projects are written in Go for CLI and web applications, mostly.

Shell scripting has become a fun hobby, the simplicity of plaintext keeps me from eroding away. I’m also attempting to get a passable proficiency of C on Unix systems. My database of choice is PostgreSQL. It’s reliable, efficient, and doesn’t cause much pain—although I’d prefer to use a plaintext file database.

In summary, I write code, I enjoy robust simple languages, admire a good CLI and am learning German.